Monday, April 11, 2011


Often in the Afternoon is when I get creative spurts.  I sketched a little and then made a shirt.

Basically in my sketch of a lady, I was looking over some old DaVinci drawings and felt inspired by the softness and subtle quality of his sketches.  I wanted to practice in this soft style.  As I was drawing, I began contemplating on how beauty in art is stolen and translated from life, then art is stolen and translated into new art and so on.  After I was done I felt that "Thief" be the appropriate title, not to mention the beauties that you meet in life that occasionally steal a piece of you, leaving their imprint on who you are, forever changing who you will become.
All meaning aside...I just wanted to draw something that had an old stylized beauty.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I had to read an auto ethnography for a school self reflection project and either write a paper or do a creative project on who we were studying.  I was assigned a graphic novel called Maus by Art Spiegelman.  In his books (It was a 2 book series)  He depicted a story of him asking his father to recall his experience in Auschwitz death camp.  It didn't hold back.  It was disturbing and touching.  Instead of writing a paper I did this.

The guy on the right is Vladek Spiegelman...October 11, 1906--August 18, 1982.  He died of Heart failure.  Health problems plagued many survivors due to harsh conditions suffered in the camps.  I've seen alot of movies and pictures and stuff but never have I read anything like Maus...I recommend it.  It hurts but its something we should be educated about over and over...just how sick and ...amazing we human beings can be.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Capturing essence

After some deliberation and a lot of different inspirations, I knew what I wanted to do for my next charcoal piece.  I wanted to capture the essence of an emotion, while leaving a subtle meaning.  So I decided to take another shot at doing a self portrait...I think the great thing about these are they don't nessasarily have to be photographic you...they are portraying a side of you.  As I drew, a mantra was repeating in my head "Silence became my teacher."  I think this repetition of thought effected the outcome.  So I decided maybe that should be the title.  This became a rather personal work.

                                         "Silence Became My Teacher"

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Crazy Dreams

So I've tried something for the very first time and this is how it came out.  Last night I had an intense dream about society breaking down and chaos hit the streets leaving me and a few friends desperately running for our lives. 
At the end of my dream, a friend and I had made it on a jet just in time to see the world end from the sky.  Magnificently horrifying and real, I sank in my seat as I stared out the window at the multiple plumes of death. 
When I awoke, I was strangely entertained by the dream and it stuck with me all day today.  So I decided to recreate the ending as best as I could.

I've never tried to make a work of art directly from a dream before.  But is was quite fun, and good practice.