Sunday, March 20, 2011


I had to read an auto ethnography for a school self reflection project and either write a paper or do a creative project on who we were studying.  I was assigned a graphic novel called Maus by Art Spiegelman.  In his books (It was a 2 book series)  He depicted a story of him asking his father to recall his experience in Auschwitz death camp.  It didn't hold back.  It was disturbing and touching.  Instead of writing a paper I did this.

The guy on the right is Vladek Spiegelman...October 11, 1906--August 18, 1982.  He died of Heart failure.  Health problems plagued many survivors due to harsh conditions suffered in the camps.  I've seen alot of movies and pictures and stuff but never have I read anything like Maus...I recommend it.  It hurts but its something we should be educated about over and over...just how sick and ...amazing we human beings can be.